【同义词辨析】 2017-05-17 抓住take-grab

take: is a general term appliable to any manner of getting something in one's possesion or control: ~ some salad from the bowl.

seize: implies a sudden and forcible effort in getting hold of something tangible OR in apprehending something fleeting and elusive when intangible: ~d the crook as he tried to escape.     (fleeting短暂拦不住can't hold back: fleeting moments of joy短暂的快乐, elusive难捉摸抓不到can't seize: 如the theory of Relativity was elusive at the time相对论当时难理解)

grasp: stresses a laying hold of so as to have firmly in possession: grasp the handle and pull.

clutch: suggests avidity and anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply failure in taking or holding: frantically ~ing the bush at the edge of the cliff.

snatch: suggests a more sudden or quick action: ~ a doughnut before running out the door; and may carry a connotation of stealth: ~ a purse.  (=donut炸面圈)

grab: implies roughness and rudeness and often implies arrogant or vulgar disregard for the rights of others: roughly ~ her by the arm.

take取得: 通用,可表示任何得到或控制,seize用力抓: 表示突然用力去抓有形无形难捉摸的东西,grasp牢牢掌握: 形容抓握的牢靠(firmly in possession),clutch狂抓: 形容贪婪或焦虑,可能失败,snatch突然抓住: 表示动作突然快速,或偷摸(stealth偷偷不让发现),grab抓抢: 形容动作粗鲁(rough粗糙rude粗鲁arrogant高傲vulgar粗俗) 不顾他人,如power grab夺权land grab夺地

记忆方法: 1)首字母TSG CSG想成Get ThemeS, Get ContentS: 领会主题和内容<==抓住文章意涵

        2)抓住的意思是用手抓住以得到某物mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. (catch抓捕)